Întoarcerea la birou

Image by www_slon_pics from Pixabay

E ora 7:30. Îmi verific buzunarele să văd dacă n-am uitat nimic. 

  • Telefon ✔️
  • Portofel ✔️
  • Cheile ✔️
  • Cartelă de access ✔️
  • Mască ✔️

All good. ?

Îmi iau ghiozdanul și ies pe ușă. Las aerul rece al dimineții de toamnă să mă trezească complet. Cu pași domoli și muzica în căști, mă îndrept spre birou. 

În martie 2020, în timp ce eu eram în concediu, biroul unde lucrez s-a închis. Covidul își arăta colții în România și pentru mai bine de un an jumate n-am avut altă opțiune în afară de aia de a lucra de acasă. Mă rog, aș fi putut să mă duc la un coworking space, da’ cine are bani de așa ceva. 


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How WFM could affect your daily life

In my 3 part series about WFM, I was writing about how you could improve your life using some simple WFM principles and practices.

In this post I want to talk a little bit about on how WFM can affect your daily life, without you even knowing.

Let’s break down first what WFM is. WFM is the process through which we ensure that we have the right agents at the right time, and equally important at the right cost. But the cost of the agents doesn’t affect your daily life, unless you are their manager, so I won’t talk about this. (more…)

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Why do we put in the work?

Why do we wake up in the morning and go to work? Why are we even going to work? What’s the point of all of this? And I keep saying we like it will be a big and smart article, but it will be mostly about me, so excuse me for being an obnoxious narcissist. I’m a millennial so that’s ok. Supposedly we are more narcissistic than the other generations (gasp!)

Since I brought the millennial generation, that we so kindly were named, let’s talk a little bit about this. About my generation. I won’t dare to say that these things are generally specific to everybody, but there are things that I hear and see almost every day in my life. Either at work, either on the street, bus, social media etc. (more…)

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